(Welcome to my blog, for all of you who might have been searching for Robert via Google search. After you read this post, feel free to go to this one for an update.)

I'm tired of this whole "Robert Pattinson is so sexy" campaign that's going on. I think it's all some evil ploy by Pattinson's marketing campaign to get us to run out and buy magazines and Twilight action figures. In the words of Mugatu, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" It's time for all of the tweens to wake up and discover that he's just a creepy-looking dude. (If I see him on one more Twilight shirt, so help me....)
I'm sorry if I've destroyed your happy reality, but it must be done.
The Tooth Fairy isn't real, either. SUCKAS!!
Julianna! I came across your blog for angie's! I must agree I don't think he's all that cute.. although i did read the books and loved them he just doesn't do the character justice!
that has to be the WORST picture of him ever! You found a great one! :)
I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thank you for sticking to the truth, even if presenting it, unvarnished, may cause nausea/vomiting.
You live in the Twilight capital (Utah), what else do you expect?
I agree. He is not the cutest guy on the block, and also tire of the hype. He looked decent in Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, but in Twilight?!?! No way, Jose.
i'd tap that.
Not even for a million dollars!... maybe for a million dollars.
Maybe I'm too old to understand, but this whole 'Twilight' phenonmena confuses me...
I don't get it.
And today at the store I saw a Twilight board game.
Are you kidding?
But I'm sure they are going to sell a million of them. I think the whole thing is just wrong.
Love your posts!
Agreed! Thank YOU!
Jeeez, photoshop people.
Isn't this when he was wayy younger, and plus I agree photoshop, ROB IS HOT!
definitely photoshop. its very obvious.
WTF EVER!! By looking at avatar pics, Pattinson looks waaaay better then everyone that has left a comment on this page!!I seriously doubt he would find any of you attractive either!!
haters!! pattinson is gorgeous.
Good Lord! He looks like a 10 year old boy with out of control under arm hair. And seriously that hair looks like he just walked through a wind storm. Come on now.
Okay that is definatley photoshop work here. Rob is a hairy dude (but definately not 40 yr old virgin hairy). Im not all twighlight gaga but he's pretty cute and im not into the hair ones.
OK, he's cute in the boy-toy-almost-a-man way. He's much more attractive when he's not giving a toothy grin, which you hardly see and makes sense b/c they want to market him as the brooding, ultra-masculine type for the movies. When he does smile, he looks his age. He can be hunky at times, when the camera angle is is right. But I certainly wouldn't call him sexy. Just yummy. As for Twilight - I've read all the books, seen the movie - and the books are better. I think the reviewer for Vanity Fair hit the mark - lack of romance and paranormal in the movie, which is what the books are all about, and it was all really just eye candy.
I gotta say I don't find him attractive at all. He looks like a bobble head come to life. How does he support his head? Seriously the hair even makes things worse. BTW that picture is an absolute horror. He should never pose for another topless photo
i love robert,
omgg, i would ANYDAY ..
who wouldnt? he bites! ;)
Oh shoot. GIve the man a break!! Many hot (older) guys grew from being plain/boyish into hotness. I, for one, am quite pleased with how he matured. And boy, I speak for many when I say, he's quite handsome now!!
Thank goodness we all have different tastes, I do however think that he is very pensive! and has done well with the task presented to him
Try being nicer people, are you all that shallow that you have to break others down to build yourselves up?
No one is forcing you to like the guy, if you don’t like him then try and be better people but not voicing your derogatory terms :)
We need more positive, less hate and more love in this world… try it, could do us all a little good
This is just sad... some of you people are in denial obviously about Robert Pattinsons pure hideousness.
Big guts and arm pit hair are just soo sexy right? Im drooling just thinking about him.... pleze Taylor Lautner is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than this troll....
well i said what i had to say about ol' robby here
Robert Pattinson would NEVER pose for a photo if he looked like that, it's clearly photoshop. It's ridiculous that any of you actually believed that. And even more ridiculous that you would post a blog just to say you think someone is ugly. Would you honestly post a blog saying how ugly you thought your next door neighbour was? Pretty cruel really.
If my neighbor took did a HIDEOUS underwear phoot shoot, that was IN FACT NOT photoshopped, and I was able to find dozens of pictures online to prove it... I would blog about it!!!
Pre-pubescent chest aside, his face! Look at his face! Not attractive!... I might not tell my neighbor that his face is unattractive, but I'm not planning on being neighbors with Robert Pattinson any time soon.
I dont care what all of you think about him... He is unique and artsy and that is why he is so attractive. The girls that think he is not attractive are probably preppy bitches that like stupid ass jocks.
people be nice. you are obviously all bored and have nothing better to do cause your the ones looking rob up? idiots u people are.
heck yes this is photoshopped. his head is bigger then his body incase you haven't noticed!! haha
Why would you use a picture of him from when he was a child??? He was just a kid. Regardless, he is a very sexy man now that he's all grown up.
Well I happen to be a huge fan of Rob and I have no idea why I choose to waste my Christmas night posting but I dont think he would sign his life away just to be popular. Looks like to me he goes through complete hell with the tweens and would prolly agree with you in some ways....just saying..but everybody has opinions. I bet some guys you think are dashing I would think are ugly...Merry Christmas...
or Happy Holidays..whichever you choose.
Dat is obv photoshopd...hes jaw is pure kevin jonas n his body luks lik a 10 yr old with arm pit hair extensions!!im team jacob bt i wudnt say no 2 robert either!and to the 1 calling people idiots!u also commented and spent ur time writin a comment!hipocrit!
these 29 comments make me laugh SO HARD. good times, good times. you should really try and get under then skin of RB fans more often... maybe a whole blog about it? but you might want to wait a few months... people are all on edge with this anti-bullying thing.
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